Recreational Motorbike Riding – Register or Not? Peter Burt, Motorbike Injury Lawyer

To be able to ride a motor bike on a public road, it has to be registered.  When you register a vehicle you also pay a TAC charge.  This entitles you to TAC Compensation.

Many people who enjoy trail bike or dirt bike riding, hardly ever ride their motor bike on a public road.  Unregistered motor bikes are often trailered to various destinations, such as State forests and the like.  Alternatively, the bikes may be ridden on dedicated dirt bike tracks.  This article deals with why it is important to register your motorbike at least for recreational cover through the TAC.

If a motor bike is registered, then anyone riding that bike who has a transport accident is covered by TAC compensation.  Anyone riding an unregistered motor bike on a public road is also covered by TAC compensation, however, there are restrictions on the benefits payable.

The big problem arises in cases of people riding unregistered motor bikes on private land.  Motor bike riders injured in accidents that occur on private land are not entitled to TAC compensation.

However, it is possible to register a motor bike for recreational use and to pay a transport accident charge of less than $70.00 per annum.   A person injured in a motor bike accident on private land, where the motor bike has recreational coverage through TAC, will enjoy all of the compensation cover provided through TAC compensation.

It is not at all unusual for riders injured in dirt bike accidents to suffer severe spinal cord injuries resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia.  These are common injuries in this group of riders.  Without TAC cover, a person with these injuries will miss out on:

– Fully funded, 24 hour attendant care for life, worth $6,000.00 per week;
– The cost of wheelchairs and other essential equipment;
– Provision of a modified motor vehicle for their use;
– Payment for home modifications necessary for the person to return to their own home;
– Income support to age 65;
– A no-fault impairment benefit worth up to $328,000.00.

For this high risk group of motor bike riders, an annual premium of less than $70.00 to provide such coverage in the event of a serious accident is incredibly cost effective.

All recreational riders of motor bikes should either register their vehicle for road use or take out recreational TAC cover at a minimal cost if they do not intend riding on public roads.

For more information you should telephone either Peter Burt or Clara Davies, specialist TAC Claims Lawyers & Motorbike Injury Lawyers of Burt & Davies, Level 11, 451 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne. They are both Accredited Personal Injury Lawyers who practice exclusively in transport accident compensation/TAC claims.

Telephone (03) 9605 3111 or freecall 1800 109 940

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