Yes. A range of medical and like expenses are paid by the TAC.
A medical excess previously applied. The medical excess of $ 651.00 has now been removed. The excess no longer applies for accidents occurring on or after 14 February 2018.
TAC medical coverage is very broad. Ambulance and hospital expenses are covered by TAC. Radiology and pathology are funded. Consultations with General Practitioners and other medical specialists are also covered. Additionally, there is coverage for physical therapies eg., physiotherapy, chiropractic, hydrotherapy and osteopathy. Massage is also covered in limited circumstances. Gym memberships can be covered. This occurs when specific rehabilitation or exercise programs are recommended by registered practitioners or allied health professionals.
TAC will fund psychological and psychiatric treatment. Counselling can also be paid in some circumstances. Certain aids and equipment may be funded on the recommendations of medical practitioners or occupational therapists. Home help, domestic services and childcare are all potentially funded.